At the age of two children who meet the eligibility criteria can claim for 15 hours of funded childcare. Three and four-year-old children are entitled to claim a maximum of 30 hours of funded childcare, 15 universal hours and 15 additional hours (subject to eligibility) referred to as EYEE ‘Early Years Education Entitlement’.
Our provision supports the scheme of 30 hours funded childcare for working families. Additional hours must be requested of HMRC online. Please visit to apply. Every three months families will need to re-confirm their eligibility on the HMRC website to continue with the funding. There are numerous factors that influence the level of funding you may receive.
You may also be eligible for tax credits towards the cost. Call the tax credit helpline on 0345 300 3900 or look at families can also apply for Tax-free childcare. For every £0.80 a parent pays into an account, the government will contribute £0.20. To find out more, go to and search for Tax-Free. To see what other financial support may be available to help with the cost of childcare, visit First Steps Nursery accepts a variety of childcare voucher schemes.For more information please speak to Janet or Mandeep at the nursery whom will give you as much information as possible to help you choose the best option for you and your child.